My name is Pastor Keith Wagner. I really appreciate you exploring our website and I hope you are getting the information you need about our church. I want to personally invite you to worship with us. What can you expect at McCullers? Here is my perspective. We are a biblically conservative church, meaning that we really do believe that God’s Word speaks to us through the Holy Bible. My practice is to preach through entire books of the Bible. This helps us get the full counsel of God and not skip over the hard stuff and tough questions. You can expect folks to genuinely care about who you are. Our people really do love one another and are interested in seeing you find a church family. If you ask us, we promise to pray for you, and help you and your family in any way we are able. You can expect a simple yet beautiful humility as we approach worship. We are not about bells and whistles to impress you. We just want you to be impressed with Christ alone. We have a blended worship style of hymns, gospel, and praise music that we enjoy singing to the Lord. We are all just doing our very best to glorify God in our lives and in His church. We are a church that is growing in our understanding of being on mission with God beginning at home and extending to the ends of the earth. We believe everyone deserves an opportunity to hear about Jesus. So come and see! Perhaps God is calling you to explore who we are. Upon your first visit or any other Sunday, my wife Lisa and I would love to sit for a while with you after the service, hear your story of what God is doing in your life, answer any questions you might have, and pray for you.

Rev. Keith Wagner
Senior Pastor